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Meet the Teams


The Commissioning Team arranges for the provision of hospital treatment to classes of persons determined by the Minister. In carrying out this role the NTPF arranges hospital treatment for public hospital patients who are waiting on public hospital waiting lists for such treatment.

Waiting List Reform

The Waiting List Reform function leads the NTPF’s work in developing and maintaining processes and operational systems in respect of waiting list management both within the organisation, and across the health system.

Administrative Validation

The national validation function works closely with the HSE, Hospital Groups and individual hospitals to provide a national administrative validation process for patients on hospital waiting lists. 

Audit & Quality Assurance

The AQA Team supports the organisation to “collect, collate and validate hospital waiting list data” through the delivery of audit programmes on hospital waiting lists to ensure that waiting list data submissions to the NTPF are in compliance with reporting requirements.

Corporate Services

The Corporate Services Team provides support to the organisation by ensuring that corporate operations, structures, processes and systems are in place to support the work of the organisation.

Finance Department

The Finance department is responsible for accounts payable, payroll, decision support to the organisation and production of financial reporting i.e. revenue returns, etc. 

Nursing Home Support

The NTPF has functions under the Nursing Home Support Scheme (Fair Deal) to negotiate and agreeing maximum prices with private and voluntary nursing home owners throughout the country.

ICT Department

ICT Team supports the collection, collation and reporting of hospital waiting list numbers. It ensures the availability, security and confidentiality of the ICT systems. It also develops applications and systems to support NTPF work.