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The NTPF provides training to relevant healthcare staff on its waiting list management protocols and validation of waiting lists to support hospitals to deliver best-in-class data which can be used to understand demand across its services.

Waiting List Management Protocols

The NTPF in conjunction with the HSE has rolled out a bespoke National Training and Development (T&D) Programme for hospital staff who are responsible for managing patients on waiting lists. The T&D programme supports the rollout of National Waiting List Management Protocols.  

The training programme aims to: 

  • Support hospital staff to develop new or refresh existing skills
  • Provide information and standardised processes to support the management and reporting of patients on waiting lists
  • Provide hospitals with a suite of learning tools to support the implementation of waiting list management protocol

New and existing staff members who require initial or refresher training in Waiting List Management processes can access the dedicated training modules on-line on HSeLanD

Currently there are three (3) dedicated training modules available, with Radiology Diagnostics currently in development:

  • Inpatient, Day Case and Planned Procedure (IDPP) Waiting List Management Protocol 
  • GI Endoscopy Waiting List Management Protocol
  • Outpatient (OP) Waiting List Management Protocol
  • Radiology Diagnostics Waiting List Management Protocol (coming soon)

For further information relating to National Waiting List Management Training and Development Programmes, please contact a member of the Waiting List Reform Team on the appropriate email:,, or

Validation Training

The NTPF’s Validation Team is available to provide training to hospital scheduled care teams participating in the National Validation Programme. Our dedicated team can provide in person or online training which covers all aspects of validation, supporting hospitals to deliver best practice validation for their waiting lists.   

Training is aimed at both new and existing staff who are either new to the process of validation requiring comprehensive training or wish to further develop their understanding and knowledge of validation processes. 

Our validation training sessions can include:

  • Overview of the Validation Process
  • Introduction to Mail Metrics (Validation IT Platform)
  • How to use Mail Metrics Features & Tools including:
    • Validation Dashboard
    • Statistics Tab
    • Exporting Reports (PDF, Excel) 
    • Letters Tab
    • Advanced Searches
    • Confirm Response Feature
    • Late Responses

For further information, please contact the validation support email at to coordinate training dates.