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Protocols and Data Definitions

National Waiting List Protocols and Data Definitions

To ensure that all public hospitals manage Waiting Lists in a fair, equitable and transparent manner, we produce Protocols describing the processes that must be followed by each hospital. These Protocols can be found in the Waiting List Protocols section.

The NTPF checks the data we receive from hospitals is provided in a clear and consistent format. We do this with a data definition document known as a Minimum Dataset (MDS) document.

There are currently MDS documents in place for “Inpatient, Day Cases and Planned Procedures” and for “Outpatients”. An MDS to support the new Radiology Diagnostics Protocol is in development.

National Outpatient (OP) Waiting List MDS

This MDS supports the National Outpatient Waiting List Management Protocol (2022) protocol.

National Inpatient and DayCase (IPDC) Waiting List MDS

This MDS supports the National InPatient, DayCase and Planned Procedure Waiting List Management Protocol (2024) protocol (including endoscopy).