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Waiting List Data

The NTPF Open Data Waiting List reports show the total number of people waiting, across the various different waiting lists in a downloadable table format. From this page, you can download datasets for inpatient and outpatient procedures and view legacy data to 2020.

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Statistical Disclosure Control (SDC) techniques have been applied to the data to preserve confidentiality and mitigate against identification or self-identification of individuals.

Where there are fewer than 20 people waiting in a particular specialty/hospital, the numbers have been aggregated under a ‘Small Volume’ heading.

The Children’s Health Act 2018 came into effect on 1st January 2019. Under this Act, Children’s Health Ireland was established and all assets, liabilities and records were transferred from Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin, Temple Street Children’s University Hospital and The National Children’s Hospital at Tallaght University Hospital to the new body. From 1st January 2019, all NTPF reports reflect this change and data from the three sites of Children’s Health Ireland are reported as one entity. On 31st July 2019 Children’s Health Ireland opened a new Paediatric Outpatient Department and Urgent Care Centre at CHI Connolly in Blanchardstown. The waiting lists for this site are incorporated into the Children’s Health Ireland figures.

Please note that the NTPF does not collect activity data, i.e., numbers treated or removed. The number of patients waiting in each hospital is collected and published monthly.

Boards and management of individual public hospitals are responsible for the accuracy and the integrity of patient data submitted to the NTPF. The NTPF has published separate Adult and Child Waiting List Reports since April 2021. The Open Data report formats reflect this change from that date forward.
